Teachings of the Donut Shop

I've been letting IV go into Homecut Donuts for a few months now to get his own breakfast treat. I just love this. I think it's wise to let young people order for themselves, make decisions, practice manners, interact with others. He LOVES money so it gives him a chance to pay for things, make change, and TIP, the boy loves to tip.

Plus I don't have to be tempted by the smell of delicious, sweet, freshly glazed pieces of heaven.

I might have a donut problem.

Today, he emerged with his white paper bags and a grin and let me know that the donut shop ladies saw that it was his birthday yesterday (thank you Facebook) and gave him four free donut holes (!)

Do you want to make a newly minted eight year old happy? FREE. DONUT. HOLES.

As he was munching, he said to me "Mom, people like to see me. It makes them happy."

It is so, so, so true with this young man. Inevitably, people remember him - I am forevermore known as "IV's Mom" and people just know him.

I explained to him that I believed that to be his special gift from God, the thing that sets him apart, his anointing. And that God must intend that to do some mighty works in His name.

"Everyone has something that makes them special, Mom" he continued.

And, sisters, WE DO. I fight this constant battle of "am I doing enough," and "am I fulfilling my calling, whatever in the heck that is," and "what if my whole life is spent as a communications person for a school district and DOES THAT MATTER?" - and I know you feel the weight of that too.

I am just a ______________. Mom. Banker. Grocery checker. Retired grandma. Housekeeper. CEO.

Let me add to your list of titles: child of God. Anointed one. Sister in faith. Spreader of good news. Supportive shoulder. Chief Executive Officer of Laundry. Clean clothes lives matter, yall.

I have to continually set down that expectation. That a salary or popularity or a platform will change any single solitary thing about who I am and what I am called to do.

Who am I?

I am His.

And it is ENOUGH.

"I have called you by name; you are mine." - Isaiah 43:1


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