Better Than Dueling Banjos

I am so excited to share with you a little project that came to me in the middle of the night, or maybe after watching "Think Like a Man 2" for the zillionth time. Thank you Steve Harvey. I honestly want to be black and have awesome hair. Life goals, ya'll.

Back to the project: I have a friend who is an excellent writer and even more excellent man in Christ. We have both recently picked back up our blog writing and share some of the same writer struggles - as in, WHO READS THIS ANYWAY, MAN? #goingtoeattacos #bye

But I do believe, in my heart, that God has gifted us both the ability to write and the platform to share His message. Obedience. Is. Muy. Importante.

We decided we would alternate choosing a Scripture passage each week and both write a post relating to it. From my blog, I will link to his. From his, he will link to mine.

I think it will be oh-so-interesting to see the same written word, breathed through two different people. We have many similarities  - but many differences. A woman's perspective versus a man's.

Plus, his readers are meeting my readers! Let's high five and ask questions! Make friends! Do you want to share some queso? ME TOO!

My friends, meet Destin Sims. Sergeant Destin Sims, if you're...Janet Jackson.

How would I describe Destin?

He is a devoted dad and one of the strongest believers I know. He has a powerful testimony but, more importantly, he uses his life as a launching pad to spread the love of Christ and HELP others. He is a police officer with the Galveston Police Department and is a bridge builder to communities. He's a door opener. He's a leader. He's gonna get married soon! And he's going to share something super cool with ya'll on MONDAY!

You can read his blog at anytime!

So stay tuned!


  1. 1) I LOVE dueling banjos.
    2) You can NOT hate on the woman who sings "I wanna dance with somebody." You just can't.
    3) I LOVE this and YOU


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